Trumpism 101: Trump for Dummies – a quick guide

James Douglas Benne, who goes under his pen name „Lexington“ at the Economist, IMHO the best news magazine in the world, recently wrote a column about „Trump 101: Illegal Immigration“, which everybody should read who wants to understand Trumpism, which is rapidly becoming a fixed term in the public discussion of the effects of the last election. It’s a tongue-in-cheek satire posing as a serious business publication, and I highly suggest you read it. If you’re too busy right now, here is a short synopsis.

Step 1: Identify a real problem (in this case: Illegal Immigration).

Step 2: Hyperbolize the problem /the current goverment is flooding the country with murderers and rapists).

Step 3: Promise extreme measures. (but do not be too specific)

Step 4: Count on Steps 2 and 3 to derange your opponents (and force them into a battle they can’t win).

Step 5: Scatter breadcrumbs. Hint that you favor more legal immigration; that as you crack down, you will “have the heart”, as Mr Trump put it.

Step 6: Shortly after you win, claim you have solved much of the problem. Step 2 makes this easy, because the problem was never as bad as you said.

Step 7: Set common-sense priorities.Focus first on deporting migrants who commit crimes, then on those who arrived most recently. Avoid dividing families or deporting the staff of farmers or Silicon-Valley plutocrats.

Step 8: Cherish your allies, and your opponents.

Step 9: Control your zealots (The most scandalous treatment of migrants resulted from aides taking him literally).

Step 10: Pursue bipartisan immigration reform (ha, ha, ha!).

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