SOPA for Dummies

Land of the Free

I know, I know: Everything that can be said about SOPA has been said already, but at least among my inner circle there are still alot of folks who don’t really understand what the fuss is all about.

So kudos to the Website operated by the rights group „Stop American Censorship“ (motto: „Fight for the Future!“) who have published a neat little „infographic“ which explains the issues in terms any sentient biped should be able to understand. Take a look and pass it on, people!

Addendum: Thanks to Morgan Kinney of Comparitech for telling me that the link to SAC has changed since I wrote this. He publishes a list of the best VPNs for Americans?

A VPN is a useful anti-censorship (and anti-surveillance) tool so likely to be of interest to anyone who cares about censorship – particularly should anything like SOPA return one day.

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