IoT helps battle dementia









The Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust in the UK has created two living labs at the University of Surrey to explore a variety of connected devices aimed at helping those living with dementia. It is one of two test sites supported by the National Health Service (NHS) embracing the internet of things to offer new ways to help dementia patients to live independently for longer.

Dementia is now the leading cause of death in England and Wales, and is thought to affect more than 850,000 people in the UK. Among the devices set to change the face of care for those living with dementia are smart bottles that dispense the correct dose of medication at the correct time, digital assistants, and chairs that know how long you’ve sat in them.

“The vision is to provide and early intervention and prevention approach – we don’t have a cure for dementia, so it is really about being able to keep people as well as possible,” said Helen Rostill, director of innovation and development at the Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust.

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