Archiv der Kategorie: posts in English

In Praise of Plagiarism

Is intellectual property theft? Listening to the high-pitched arguments about digital piracy one could almost assume that copyright or commercial legal protection of intellectual property are a law of nature; something we always enjoyed and that’s been around forever. Not … Weiterlesen

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The boob-tube’s version of reality

In 2014, exactly 298 people in Germany became victims of murder (see graph). On an average evening, the two German public TV programs feature at least 4 or 5 murders during prime time, which adds up to around 1,500 a … Weiterlesen

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The „Daily Show Effect“ in American Politics

Former President George H.W. Bush may be 91 and recuperating from a fall that broke a vertebra, but he still is an acute follower of modern-day political events, and according to a report in today’s New York Times, he is … Weiterlesen

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“Germany is falling behind digitally”

On Monday, my new German book, “Digital Transformation”, will be officially launched at a press event in Munich. I have been asked to give a talk about it at a big Lufthansa IT event in Frankfurt next week, and in … Weiterlesen

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English Enlightenment

During the phase we now call „The Enlightenment“ societies in Europe managed to throw off oppressive regimes, free cities from the bondage of the medieval estate-based society, and define a set of basic human rights that helped define their sense … Weiterlesen

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Digital transformation and the future of intelligence

Vinton Cerf, one of the inventors of TCP/IP, is fond of talking about what he calls “network intelligence”. By that he means the makeover of IT landscapes triggered by digital networks and leading to rapid and fundamental changes in technology. … Weiterlesen

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Why we need cognitive computers

As we enter the age of Big Data, computers as we know them are simply no longer capable of crunching the numbers fast enough. This is do to the limitations imposed by what is known as the „Von Neuman model“ … Weiterlesen

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Why don’t Americans all speak German?

On Quora, I was recently asked this anonymous question: “Why did they choose English as the official language when they formed the USA in 1776?” That got me thinking, and a quick Google search turned up lots of very interesting … Weiterlesen

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Je suis Raif Badawi

The blogger Raif Badawi was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for setting up a website that championed free speech in Saudi Arabia. His blog, the Saudi Free Liberals Forum, was shut down after his arrest in … Weiterlesen

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Digital Enlightenment Terminology (1): Transparency

New Podcast: Transparency is a value in itself and a necessary step along the path to Digital Enlightenment       Please join me on Facebook, watch my YouTube videos or listen to my latest podcasts.

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