Bosch and SAP help truckers find parking space

SAP and Bosch Group are partnering in the area of IoT, the two companies have announced.  Bosch Secure Truck Parking was developed to address the scarcity of secure parking space for trucks, which can cause both fatal accidents though insecurely parked trucks and the loss of billions of euros through stolen goods.

A Bosch facility near Karlsruhe, Germany, will be used as a secure nighttime truck park by SAP Connected Parking, a new Internet of Things (IoT) software product aimed at helping parking management companies take advantage of the cloud, smart devices and Big Data technologies through an app that runs on a tablet and serves as the user interface to drivers who enter or exit the parking location.

SAP Connected Parking runs on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and provides a simple solution for managing parking locations. It is designed as a building block for companies such as DESIGNA to integrate with their hardware components to offer a comprehensive parking access revenue control (PARC) solution.

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